Travels of Deep Kick Girl

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The final countdown...

Well, we're about a week away from flying out for our big adventure. Hopefully we will know in the next day or two what is happening and when we'll be going. Our plan is still to spend about three days in LA (Disneyland, Target, etc.) en route to Medellin, Colombia. For that to happen we'll need to fly out of here on the 15th or 16th of November. We need to arrive in Medellin on the 18th/19th of November.

I've been shopping up a storm the last week. I seem to go on many shopping trips and always I forget something or realise I need more of something when I return. I've also been doing a fair bit of internet shopping (ah, what did we do before the internet?!). It's scary how much STUFF a tiny baby needs... and we aren't even starting from scratch (having saved a fair bit of stuff from Will's baby years). The whole bottle thing is a bit frightening - I hope I can get the sterilising thing right. Will survived, so I'm sure Mariana will too!

I do love shopping for baby clothes. Though I really do have to make a wholehearted effort at not saying the word "cute" so much, as in "isn't that cute?!", "that is SO cute!", etc.

Anyway, I better get back to work. I have so much to do before I go I'm actually taking work home (anyone who knows my work ethic would be laughing out loud at this point!). It's going to be a crazy week. Wish us luck!

Hopefully my next post will have our actual departure date.


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